Small Groups are very important connecting points in the life of Westminster. These groups are small communities of people who meet in members' homes each week to share a meal together, study the Scriptures and share their lives with each other. Because God is the focus of these small groups, they offer a wonderful opportunity to grow in your relationship with Christ and with each other. The small groups meet on the 2nd & 4th Sunday evenings. You may contact the church office for more information on our small group ministry, 813-689-6541,
Bread Breakers Small Group
The Bread Breakers Small Group meets at 6:00 PM on the second & fourth Sundays of the month for a covered dish meal, Bible study, and prayer (also on Zoom) • A wide range of ages attend. Children are welcome • Meets at the Eggert Home at 2229 Malibu Dr, Brandon, FL • Currently studying Psalms • Group Leader: Jim Eggert.

Koinonia Small Group
The Koinonia Small Group meets at 6:00 PM on the second & fourth Sundays of the month for a covered dish meal, Bible study, and prayer • This group is comprised of adults and retirees • Meets in various homes • Currently studying Psalms • Group Leader: David Crabtree.