Wednesday Night
Fellowship Meal

Every Wednesday evening at 6 PM we gather for a delicious prepared meal. $3 for individuals, $12 for a family. Give your cook the night off and enjoy the fellowship with your church family.

Wednesday Activities

After the meal, around 6:40 PM, the children go to a Bible Class until 7 PM, the youth group meets for prayer and sharing, the choir members go to choir practice, and the rest of the adults remain in the Fellowship Hall as Pastor Wes teaches a 15-minute devotional.

Through the Bible Devotional

Pastor Wes Holland
After the children, youth group, and choir members head to their respective classes/meetings, Pastor Wes teaches a short devotional from the Scriptures. We started this practice 18 years ago in Genesis and we have been moving through the Scriptures, passage by passage, ever since.

Children's Bible Time

Pastor Jeremy
At 6:40 PM the younger children meet in a classroom for a short Bible lesson. Afterwards they play with their friends on the playground building friendships and memories that they will carry with them as they grow up in the Lord.

Youth Group Prayer & Sharing

Pastor Jeremy Fuller
The youth group prayer time on Wednesday evenings has long been a favorite activity for our youth as they seek to rely on God and encourage each other through the many challenges of growing up in our fallen culture.

Choir Practice

Dale Lewis
The choir meets for practice at 7:00-8:00 PM. Except for taking a break for the summer, the choir sings every Sunday morning in the worship service.